Monday, 16 September 2013

A dreadful day with fight-whacked combatants

The troops, after an outrageous battle, came back to the barracks; we, on behalf of MONUSCO, went to evacuate the incapacitated soldiers for providing better treatment in level 2 hospital.

The fighting was in two groups, the regular armed force of DR Congo (FARDC) and The Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) a Ugandan based rebel group active in mineral-rich eastern border area of DR Congo. The ADF had been formed in the year of 1996 comprised a group of fundamental Muslim secessionist in the Ruwenzori mountains area of western Uganda. This group was blamed to create a great havoc by blasting bombs at restaurants and markets in Kampala city in 1998. The Ugandan army attacked them several times and could make them weaker. To survive and protect themselves the rebel group progressed towards the frontier of DR Congo in 2004 and was hindering the security situation in the area. At present, they are accused of making a liaison with Somalia based rebel groups Al Shebab.

An FARDC soldier, at Mambasa, DRC

Expedition to the Heart of Darkness

The faded pinkish daylight was slowly disappearing. The sky of Eastern Africa was being covered with its mysterious darkness. The luminous stars were peeping out from behind the grayish clouds after their daylong rest. These universal phenomena caused more enigmas in the vast area of Africa. These shining bright stars were hardly capable of lightening and unfolding the indistinct scenes of the continent. I felt that night has just started.