a group of young generation charging their cellular phones in a camp of Bangladeshi peacekeepers at KOMANDA in DR Congo. |
I am fortunate as I could involve myself with
various types of activities for the betterment of the mass people of an African
country. To reach the folks of DR Congo, I entitled myself with Bangladesh Army
who are prominent and already been praised by their activities as peace
builders in war-torn African countries. As a part of those teams I kept myself
involved with numerous types of humanitarian activities in the remote areas of
DR Congo. Of course I was not a fighter with arms moreover I fought to provide
them a healthy and prosperous life so that they become able to lead a life with
dignity. Credit goes to others as well with who I worked there tenure of three
years contractual service. I saw it closely how they, the Bangladeshi casque
blues, worked hard in an unsecured and undeveloped zone where life is always
under a terrible threat. Though I was a civilian but worked there as a
uniformed personal and my responsibility was to facilitate communication with
the local in several languages. I tried my best to execute my job
appropriately. Language is one of the vital elements for communication, and as
our tasks were always with the local people I used to keep myself busy in
almost all sorts of activities. Here I feel to mention a small portion of huge
works we frequently executed in the soil of DR Congo.
a girl is being treated for an injury on her leg during a free medical campaign by the Bangladeshi Peacekeepers |
1) Medical campaign
2) Community Development Programs
3) Giving bulk Medicines to the Hospitals
4) Establish tube-well to provide drinking water
5) Renovation of schools and providing other
6) Arranging football tournaments for youth clubs
After taking over the responsibility, BANBAT 1/13
starts a lot of activities along with the operational matters. Beside with
providing the security for the civilian, BANBAT works to improve and develop
the life standard of the Congolese people. As part of civil military
co-operation (CIMIC) the battalion is tremendously occupied from the very
beginning of their mission till today.
Medical Campaign:
The locales are very poor and living a
sub-standard life just because of insufficient medical facilities. Suffering
from various diseases is a common phenomenon for most of the Congolese. Poor
people are incapable to buy medicines as these life saving products are very
expensive here. BANBAT 1/13 has organized numerous medical campaigns to save
thousands of lives. Not only in Bunia city, the expert and experienced medical
teams of BANBAT have given the treatment and distributed good quality of
medicines for the people of the remotest corner of their responsible areas.
They tried their best to reach the seriously sufferers, vulnerable and the
poorest people; no doubt they became successful. The medicines we distributed
through the consultation of the specialists to the patients were brought from
Bangladesh by sacrificing of a big amount of fund of the contingent. These
activities were highly appreciated by the locals.
Beside the medical campaigns, we have given bulk
medicines to the hospitals to treat the poor people with free of cost by under
their supervision. Thanks to our assistance, some busy hospitals for example
Hospital of PNC and Evangelic Medical Center of Bunia city treated hundreds of
poor patients.
Community Development Programs:
BANBAT has gained a reputation for their pioneering
works in the field of community development programs. Our exemplary projects
influence the locals a lot. We have arranged training for the youths in various
areas. In Bunia, for example, a group of taxi-men have taken part in a
month-long training program on repairing and managing the light vehicles. Most
of the participants were ex-militia and once their attitude to the MONUSCO was
negative which now turn into a positive way just thanks to this sensitization
program. Our various COBs also arranged some development programs for the
youths. We have also provided seeds of vegetables and fruits along with the
practical cultivation methods to strengthen their food security.
To create a healthy youth generation, BANBAT
always tried to involve this big and important part of the nation. Numerous
football tournaments were arranged and financed by this contingent. Providing
sports materials, preparing play-grounds, constructing goal-bars, distributing
jersey and sports footwear and above all inspiring the young generation to lead
a physically sound life is a great contribution to the locals. Banbat has taken
this profound initiative to protect the youths from involving any kind of the
subversive, unethical, unlawful activities.
Except this, the students of various schools,
colleges have also gained our attention. We could reach in the premises of many
institutions with our helping hands. We have distributed the whole year in many
places a lot of study materials like papers, exercises books, pen and pencils
etc. For the children of primary schools we have also provided biscuits,
chocolates, toys, clothes, and some amusing materials to bring a variation in
their daily school life.
Quick Impact Project (QIP) projects
BANBAT has successfully completed many QIP projects
on time in spite of tremendous pressure of operational
activities. To provide drinking water for the locals BANBAT has taken the
initiative to set up tube-well. Thousands of locals of Bankoko quarter are getting
pure drinking water thanks to our water point project at Mbandaka Avenue. We
have also engaged ourselves in some renovation projects particularly in
education sector. We have established two new class rooms and renovated
some class rooms for Batwoe Elementary Primary School in Bukiringi. We also
delivered tables, chairs and benches to continue their education smoothly. To
protect the school students from road accidents we have constructed a boundary
wall at Andisoma Primary School, Bunia. We were also involved the whole year to
prepare and develop the roads, repair old bridges and constructing new culverts
NB: a small part of this write-up has already been published in a yearly Magazine called: 'The Journey through Congo with MONUSCO' published by BANBAT 1/13 (MONUSCO), C/O: 15EB, Camp Ndoromo, Bunia, DRC. October 2013
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