Wednesday, 6 November 2013

To Work for Building a Healthy Nation

The people of DR Congo always fight against a lot of obstacles. From the very beginning of their birth, they have to struggle just to survive. Poverty, ethnic conflicts, attacks by the various rebel groups, banditry, lack of medical support, hazardous transport condition, scarcity of potable water, absence of electricity and good governance all are part of their daily life. This picture of life is  a real projection of life of maximum Congolese except few who are from privileged background. 

I have observed their life standard very closely. I always tried to realize and feel their life-style and to understand their surroundings. I used to communicate with the locals through their own language. It helped me a lot to reveal their happiness, sorrows, emotions etc. We BANBAT 1/13 arranged numerous CIMIC (Civil Military Coordination) activities to pacify the local population. During such activities I always used to accompany the responsible officers to facilitate communication with the locals.

The people are suffering here from various diseases. Children are the major victims of mal-nutrition. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) also cause and provoke an adverse influence on public health. Water-borne diseases are very common. It is very common for them to pass the whole life with skin ailments. The lack of water is one of the main reasons for such diseases. Moreover, most of the Congolese are suffer from malaria, in particular Congolese of eastern part. Women are more vulnerable than their male counterparts. They are in back footing because of their physical and social position. Birth control is not practised much which could be mostly effective for them to have a good life. Women suffer from genital fistula because of obstetrical problems, congenital abnormalities, rapes etc. The govt. is still unable to reduce the rate of maternal and infant mortality. So the overall health standard is not satisfactory in DR Congo.

After detecting this critical situation, we arranged many medical campaigns in various locations to provide health support to the locals. Medicines are very expensive in DR Congo. The poor people depend only on the God’s blessing for recovery. So any type of medical care is always appreciated and valued by the natives. To provide a better treatment, our doctors are always beside them. The medicines of Bangladesh are of good quality and known worldwide. The feed-back I have found from them is that the doctors are very caring and the Bangladeshi medicines are very effective to cure the diseases.

Picture: 1 The patients are waiting on the line to reach the doctor for treatments along with medicines

Picture 2: The doctor listens to the patient and prescribes medicines

Picture 3: During a medical campaign

Picture 4: Most of the patients are women and children. The patients are waiting to get their serial when a medical campaign was going on

We know that physical disabilities or diseases always hamper mental peace and restricts to lead a smooth life. When I see the healed people express their happiness and convey their thanks to us. I feel proud. I have seen their eyes are sparkling with gratitude and appreciation which makes me honored. Sometimes they mention and display their thankful regards by their deeds; it seems that we have given them some hope, some ways to start a new life. Our aids for the Congolese might not be sufficient, but none can deny that our small steps are contributing to provide a better life to the nation.  May Congo prosper soon.

Already published in the yearly magazine ' THE JOURNEY THROUGH CONGO WITH MONUSCO' Banbata 1/13, Monusco, Bunia, DR Congo. September 2013

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